Wednesday, September 7, 2011

10 Days until the Soft Opening -- PA Bow Season

Just like the casinos, Pennsylvania offers a soft opening for deer season. It provides an opportunity to hunt does in mid September in WMUs near major cities like Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. The WMUs in the Philly area extend into Bucks county which provides some lush area for deer. Although huntable land is hard to find, the deer are plentiful. This gives me a great chance to get settled in my new property I am hunting by my house. It will be good practice for the statewide opening on October 1st.

Lets me take a minute to talk about our most recent scouting results from our new property. All photos from the trail camera up to this point only presented a small 4 point buck and a few doe. My buddy Brian emailed me on a Saturday morning and to my surprise the pictures showed some decent bucks. Two nice eight point bucks in velvet filled the camera in mid August. Their is also a pretty unique six point buck with some basket rack antlers but still looks pretty cool. Take a look at the eight pointers below. One is old and one is young.

This new property which just over 2 acres provides a good funnel for deer to travel from bedding to feeding areas. When we first scouted the area with the landowner Brian, we observed the deer trails are packed with hard dirt from the constant travel. The wooded area is relatively thick and is filled with mature red cedar trees. The far back corner of the property is more heavily wooded area which is most likely the bedding area. The back and side of the property have a dry creek bed which allows another secluded travel path for deer. Aerial photos were also reviewed as to not miss any steps in the information gathering process of scouting. Since the initial visit, a dedicated trail camera has kept eyes on the main trail to log deer movements and track the bucks.
A few final preparations are in order before the 17th. One is to hang my stand on of the larger trees that overlooks the travel paths, another is to pickup my new crossbow and get it sighted in, and the final step is clothing to cover ever day scents. Now I am no expert on scent elimination but I do take it very seriously. I will provide my ancient Chinese secrets in my next blog.

Until then, quiet stalks and precision shots!

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