Sunday, September 18, 2011

Hard work paid off and savings in my pocket.

A month and half of work has finally provided its first profit. Yesterday I was able to harvest a nice deer from my new property in PA. Back in the end of July started our scouting and site preparation and over 1000 trail camera pictures in our possession. With the first opening of a limited anterless deer season, we were able to capitalize.

The first morning in any tree stand provides that feeling of wonder and freedom. This morning was no different, listening to the sounds of birds and watching the first movements after dawn. It wasn't long until the first signs of life began to show move through the forest of cedar trees. Yup, a huge skunk ran right under my stand and starting sniffing around. A quick beat of my boot on the tree stand was enough to scare the little guy away though. The first deer as expected to see at some point of the day was the 4 point buck known as Fez. He looped through past the trail camera and was gone.

The next deer to arrive were a pair of does with a new 6 point buck that has never been captured. Of course he will be added to the hit list to track in the future. The lead doe in the group was very experienced, and was able to recognize something was not right. By doing so, I was able to get a clear shot and held off on trying to shoot my cross bow. It wasn't long after they bugged out that another group of deer moved in.

Three does were moving right in toward my stand. I found myself going from one to the other trying to setup a shot with an anxious feeling. I knew though, that waiting for the deer to move closer and not rushing a shot would present a clear and more precise shot. With that being said, one of the does following a small trail in front of my stand stepped out at 10 yards. Without further ado, I squeezed the trigger with my 10 yard pin just to the right of the shoulder. It was like listening to a baseball hit exposed skin at high speed. The doe quickly circled around and trotted down into the woods.

I gave a quick text to Brian to come help me track her down and load her up in my truck. The next step of this adventure was to process the deer at the house instead of paying over $100 for a butcher to do so. There will be a separate blog entry on how that went but it proved to keep money in my pocket. Below is the best picture the trail camera as captured yet.....sucess.

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