Sunday, September 18, 2011

New Archery Equipment

So last year I spent 2800 miles on the road just for hunting season in Pennsylvania. This cost alone should have been the whisper in my ear to tell myself to purchase better archery equipment. Although my equipment wasn't completely at fault, I missed two solid opportunities on quality bucks (deer that is).

So in early 2010, I started my research into a quality bow package that would assist me in my hunting effort. I wasn't sure if I wanted to go with a new compound bow or a cross bow. Cross bows in PA are now legal for archery season for all hunters. I had a few reasons that lead me to going the cross bow route for this season. First, with it pin point accuracy and take down power was important to me. Unlike TV, real hunting opportunities come few and far between for the average hunter. Hunting can dig into your vacation time at work and with limited chances on the weekends to get out in the woods doesn't make it easy.

Like any hunter, you want to have every a chance to be successful. In my mind this includes equipment like a quality up to date bow. My current bow is a USA Spirit by PSE, which is an early compound bow from the early 90's. My second reason for the cross bow was the flexibility of users, it can be used by a left or right handed person, older or younger, and even for my wife. This was a major decision point for me. The third reason was cost, the quality bows that are marketed all over TV run in the $800 range. I would have also had to purchase a separate bow then for my wife which would have cost more.

So with those reasons backing my decision, I was able to narrow down my search to a Parker cross bow (the Enforcer 160). I tested this bow in early 2010 and finally pulled the trigger on the purchase about two weeks ago. The pin point accuracy of the bow is incredible and easy sighting in made the setup easy. My first shot at home lead me to buying a better target because the cross bow bolt almost passed through the target. For a comparison standpoint though, my old PSE compound bow only penetrates the about 3 inches. This was money well spent, and I already have a deer in the freezer.

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