Monday, September 30, 2013

Sika Early On

As much as I like this trip, I really like this trip. The cool breeze off the marsh creek cutting through your hunting clothing and moonlight showing pathway of murky water. Each year the snaking creek has to be navigated for crab pots and sandbars around the bends. The is loaded to the brim with arrows, stands, and support gear for the day. I couldn't fit this much stuff in my cubicle but it's just not the same. That little fan behind my computer screen will never compare to the breeze in my face off the creek. The blinding lights above my counter top produce a heat lamp feeling but where's the lizard at?

Well, if I ever find a lizard in my cube, he can have the high energy tan while I tap away on my keyboard. For now though, the whistle of my Yamaha cuts through that marsh in search of Sika deer. Although these furry creatures are illegal aliens, they produce quite a tasty meal with their tender and flavorful meat. Before we know it, the boat is perched up on the forest edge and crunchy leaves lead the way to our hunting spots. The season is early but the deer activity was on high. My guess is that we are the first hunters to sit the woods this season as the calendar still says September.

First stop is to drop off my partner in crime for a blind location. This is simple, putting him up against some cover and lined up between me the boat. Another 300 yards in, I pick out the same tree as last year where a spiked stag. My behind must have been on fire, because this spot has been producing a deer for past two years and today made three. As anticipated, two sika deer came strolling in from the marsh to the wood-marsh fringe ~40 yards away. With my range finder on the fritz, it meant shooting from the hip and judging my own distance. With pin set to 40 yards, the arrow drawn back, and my eyes set on the body of the deer...smack. A hollow hard hit sound that is like none other.

This would be the first time, I captured my hunt on video. A moment in time that will be able to be replayed for years to come. A defining moment in my hunting career that will be treasured with those family videos. Although the deer wasn't a trophy or even a buck, it would be that turning point to look back on and smile in the success.

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