Sunday, October 16, 2011

Grounded for a Buck

Another day in the woods but still no shooter buck. I spent the morning in the stand and on the ground. The forecast was going to include some windy conditions from the southwest but area I hunted didn't seem to affect the woods too much. Before daylight even hit the cedar stand of forest a deer spooked out from underneath me.

I hadn't heard any movement in the woods but this could have been due to the continual rain every few days. The last three weeks have been a mushy walk into the woods which helped me sneak in almost like a ninja. I guess the deer get to take advantage of this muddy condition by trying to sneak past me as well. After about two hours I got restless in the stand, and went down to the ground. Using a tree to sit against and staying low I setup shop. The woods still have a decent ground cover to hide me in my gilly suit.

The cedar forest has a low canopy which the tree stand limits the view. On the ground is a much better view although your stealthiness has to be up to snuff to beat a deer eye to eye. I sat on the ground two weeks ago and had a doe come in, do the stare down and then she continued to feed. You have to be prepared for the red face test, I was always good at winning a staring contest but it includes keeping absolutely still. You have to give that deer no reason to think you are a predator even if you seem out of place to them. Use ground cover and good camo to break up your outline. Cover your head and face so only your eyes are exposed. Beating one deer can be easy or hard but the real challenge comes with multiple deer.

If you do go with the ground you have to be ready. So you are covered up in vegetation, back to a tree, and laid up in your best camo outfit. You beat the stare down and are ready to shoot. Wait, do you have to pickup your gun or bow?... If you have too this is crunch time. This movement can blow your cover. I use a crossbow and have it set on my leg pointed at the area I anticipate the deer to be for my shot. A gun can be used the same way. A bow though may give you some problems. I tend to setup behind a tree when using my compound bow on the ground. Using the tree as my initial cover and then peaking on either side. I tend to be on my knees to give me a bit of elevation so the my bow clears the ground.

I prefer this method of hunting. as it gives up a more heads up challenge against the deer. I make sure to clear out all leaves and small branches as I sit on the ground to reduce any noise making. My trusty tree stand cushion acts to make that ground like a pillow for my behind as well. Yesterday I had a four point buck come in and give me the heads up battle. For being a younger buck he was smart as the first view of me he then angled to my downwind side. I gave him a run for the money though. I was practically laying on the ground with only me head on the tree trunk. At 12 yards the battle was on.

His rounded rack almost made a complete circle as he stared at me. His goal was to cross the dry creek bed behind me to follow two does. It was like watching a bobble head in slow motion. Back and forth he steps trying to break me. The black eyes felt like they were burning into my forehead. Then has he gave in he started to graze. I picked up my grunt call and gave a quick call. Then the battle continued, I just blew his mind with the call. He had first saw me as something out of place, then gave in, and now he hears the sound of another buck. I sensed a bit of anger from the buck.

The deer started to move away in the cedar forest when I did it again. A short grunt call and then a snort wheeze. Yup that pissed him off. He came stomping back in to about 10 yards and angled even further to my down wind side. It wouldn't be long before he busted me. He would now be able to put the smell of me and something not being right together. He gave a few short feet stomps and snorted off into the forest. What a little girl, I totally owned him.

I love getting the up close action and beating the deers predator cues. I could have shot this deer at any point but he just wasn't a shooter. I planned to hunt the afternoon a bit further into the woods and set up my ground blind. I would even bring Jenn out to hunt for some fun.

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